It’s fall already?

Fall is upon us! Where did the time go?!

Fear not our avid gardeners there is still plenty to do in those yards!

We just got in our Fall bulbs, ready to plant now to give you some gorgeous colors to look forward to in the Spring. Before you ask, yes, we have bulb planters and bulb food to make your planting as easy and expedient as possible!

It is also SALE time in our nursery! All perennials are on sale right now as we start to wind down our nursery season. Additionally, it’s Compost Fest! This means that Cedar Grove Compost bags are buy two get one free. You may be wondering why its important to add compost to your garden…well compost brings a diversity into your soil such as various bacteria, fungi, insects and worms all of which support healthy plant growth! Compost can also act as a type of security blanket, suppressing diseases and harmful pests while insulating your plant babies during the colder months of the year.

Now that its not so hot its also a great time to take care of that lawn. Overseed products can be used to fill in bare patches but remember its also important to still water and mow the lawn! Your lawn has also been through a lot over the hot months of the year so a nice fertilizing about 6 weeks before the first frost can help it save energy and develop root strength to weather the winter months. You’ll also want to rake up excess leaf and plant debris, leaving those sitting over your lawn can create hospitable environments for disease.

Now that its cooler it is also the perfect time to split those flowering perennials. Why waste a beautiful plant by just trimming it back when you can split it into two individual plants?! This way you can share your wonderful plant babies with another plant lover!  


Winter in the northwest


Got h2o???