A rose by any other name

This time of year the fickle weather patterns can mess with any gardeners head, sunny and bright one day and stormy and cold the next! No matter the weather outside there is still so much you can do!

It’s time to start thinking about those flowers coming back and in order to prepare for the most plentiful bloom you can perform “hard prunes.” Don’t get scared! This just means you pick the 3-5 most healthy looking stems and cut then down approximately 12-18 inches at a 45 degree angle facing the bud. See not hard at all and this cut will ensure you a gorgeous full bloom later in the season!

Your garden wants you to get it ready for Spring right now. The same way we require hair cuts, so do our trees and shrubs! They want to look their best too! Its also a good time to keep mulching those garden beds, spring sprouting weeds are just around the corner and they will come up faster than we ever think.

When the weather is less than optimal you can start your seed sprouts. We have all your seed starting needs taken care, not to mention a great selection of seeds!

This advice brought to us by the great local landscape artists of Garden of Weedin!


Presto , pesto!


December yard maintenance